
Il-Kunsill Lokali tal-Imgarr joħroġ diversi permessi eż: skip, divertiment, barbeques, makkinarju, depożitu ta’ mwejjed / siġġijiet, u kiosks. Dawk li għandhom bżonn xi permess għandhom jiġu sa tlett ijiem qabel id-data mixtieqa u magħhom irid ikollhom il-karta tal-identitá. 

Ir-rati tal-permessi huma:

Makkinarju ta’ inqas minn 10m2 (lifter, tower ladder eċċ)  –  €10.00

Makkinarju ta’ aktar minn 10m2 (crane, ready mix eċċ) – €15.00

Skips – €1.16 kull ġurnata

Barbeques ta’ gruppi żgħar minn 15-il persuna ‘l fuq – €6.99 + depożitu ta’ €20.00

Scaffolding – €2.33 kull m2 kull ġurnata

Dawk li jixtiequ jissottomettu l-applikazzjoni għal permess onlajn, jistgħu jidħlu fil-link t’hawn taħt:

Local Permits System – Home (

The Mġarr Local Council issues various permits eg: skip, activities, barbeques, machinery, tables and chair and kiosks. Those who would like to apply for a permit, are requested to come three days before and bring their identity card.

Permit rates are:

Machinery of less than 10m2 (lifter, tower ladder etc)  –  €10.00

Machinery of less than 10m2 (crane, ready mix etc) – €15.00

Skips – €1.16 daily

Small barbeques of over 15 persons – €6.99 + €20.00 deposit

Scaffolding – €2.33 every m2 daily

Those who wish to apply for the permit online, may follow the link below:

Local Permits System – Home (

Past Events Photo Gallery

Monday to Friday:  8.00am – 12.00pm
Saturday: 8.00am – 11:00am